The Festival of the Pure Lily is celebrated every year on the 7th September. It is the date and month chosen by the Light for the Feast of the Pure Lily, which is one of the three most important and greatest spiritual Festivals of the Grail for humanity. As with the other Grail Festivals, it is the Light that instituted these Festivals that knows everything about them.
You have the grace of having these teachings, which many don't, about the existence of these three Great Spiritual Festivals of the Grail, the dates on which they are celebrated and what they mean for you.
Those of you who are familiar with these three Grail Festivals have a duty to seek to recognize and understand the spiritual teachings in all things, so that you can conform your lives to them and open yourselves to the Light in order to attract within yourselves the Force of Light that will help you in one way or another in your lives.
The Force of God that descends on the Festival of the Pure Lily is a grace of the Light for those who open themselves up to this Festival to receive this Force that will help them accomplish their mission on earth. It is not only the servants chosen and called by the Lord in the Beyond to help Him in His Mission who assisted Him in His Mission on earth.
The Lord chose and called other servants when He was on earth to help Him in His mission. To do this, these servants need the Force of Light to help them place themselves at the service of the Light and carry out their mission to help the Lord in His mission to human beings. These servants receive this Force during the Festival of the Pure Lily.
The Lord is and will always be with you, Human Beings. He has never left you and has never stopped choosing servants from among those human beings on earth who stand out for their conviction, their courage and their firm will to place themselves at the service of the Light to help the work of the Light on earth.
On the one hand, there are the servants chosen in the Beyond and incarnated on earth on a mission to help the Lord in His Mission on earth. On the other hand, there are human beings who, at some point in their lives, decide to entrust their lives to the Lord in order to serve Him in their lives on earth. They place themselves at the service of the Lord.
The Lord can call the person HE deems worthy to receive the Force of the Light to help them continue to do what they have already freely begun, to work for the Light! This is one of the Graces that God can give to a human being who puts oneself at the service of the Light to accomplish a mission of Light.
The servants chosen in the Beyond receive God's Force from the Elders during a blessing ceremony organized in the greatest temple in the Beyond, before they are incarnated on earth. During this ceremony, their Names are also inscribed among the Called of the Lord who are at the service of God to help Him in His Mission on earth.
These servants on mission who are currently on earth are sent by the Lord to be at his service and help Him in His mission to human beings.
Since His physical coming to earth on Mission, and even after His departure from earth, the Lord has always been among human beings and will always remain so through His teachings and His Word. His servants who are still sent on mission to help Him in His Mission, even after He has left the earth, have received from the Lord everything they need to continue to help Him in His Mission on earth.
Many people, readers and servants of the Light, have dreams and visions in which they see the Lord, but they don't talk about it.
There are people who have been incarnated several times without knowing or understanding the Will of God, and who are in the service of darkness.
The help of God's immeasurable Love is always present for all those human beings who can recognize God's Will and change their lives by leading a life in accordance with God's Laws for their own good and for their spiritual evolution.
Some of these people who have changed their lives and placed themselves with conviction and determination at God's service, the Lord can choose them to be servants and Called Ones to help Him in His Mission on earth to help human beings.
These servants, chosen on earth to serve the Lord in His mission, need the Force of God that descends on the Festival of the Pure Lily. This Force is intended to help them accomplish the mission for which they have been chosen and called on earth.
A servant who has been chosen to carry out a given mission cannot carry it out without having received God's Force, which must help him to do his mission well. A servant must not go out to confront people on a spiritual mission if he does not have the strength of God, because without this strength, many fall into the traps of darkness.
These chosen servants are given strength and grace to help them accomplish their mission of spiritually helping human beings.
The strength they receive during the Festival of the Pure Lily gives them the courage they need to always act according to God's Will when confronted by human beings. They also have God's protection.
Unfortunately, there are servants who have the Strength and Grace of God to accomplish their mission and who do nothing with the Strength received from the Light.
God's strength during the Festival of the Pure Lily descends for everyone.
This festival is particularly important for women because they need this Force during the Festival of the Pure Lily for the noble mission given by God to every woman incarnate on earth.
The servants who receive this Force are those who have been chosen to carry out a mission on earth. Together, they must remember to do God's Will on earth with the Force they receive, which they must also remember to share with others.
The complete transmission.