Readers of the Message celebrate the Festival of the Shining Star at the end of each year, at a time when many people are thinking only about the search for presents for Christmas, which has become a holiday for children, and the end-of-year party.
You, Readers, who know what the Festival of the Grail are, should not normally allow yourselves to get distracted by everything that is happening around you during this period when you are also celebrating the Festival of the Radiant Star, which is very important even for those who are unaware of it and who can also benefit from this Force on the day of the Festival, if they are open to the Light, by their way of living which gives an openness to the Light.
You must not blindly follow the requirements and obligations of certain traditions observed by many people for the celebration of other Christmas and New Year holidays, and which can distract you from concentrating properly on preparing for the Festival of the Radiant Star, a Festival of which you know its high importance for your life.
There's so much going on during this period that you need to be vigilant to avoid any distractions that might prevent you from really concentrating on the Festival of the Radiant Star.
It is the Light that wanted this Festival of the Radiant Star to be celebrated at this important moment, at the end of one year and the beginning of a new one.
Everyone is celebrating other Christmas and New Year celebrations at the same time. You mustn't let yourself be drawn in or influenced by other celebrations that would distract you from preparing properly for the Festival of the Radiant Star. Put the spiritual above all else, by adopting an attitude, a behaviour that clearly shows that you put the spiritual above all else because you know its importance, its place in the life of every human being.
The Force of God that is poured out on the day of the Festival is destined to help, without exception, all those who open themselves to this Force that descends on the day of the Festival of the Radiant Star.
People need this Force for LIFE, before starting a new year, people need the Force of God which helps them in many things. Without God's strength, people cannot live. People celebrate Christmas because they have Life. Christmas is a time to remember the coming of God's Son, Jesus, to earth. People even think about the Word of God.
God's Grace is upon the people, the readers who know the teachings of the Grail Message. People should remember to receive God's Force during the three (3) Grail Festivals that are celebrated each year.
You receive God's Force on the Festival of the Radiant Star. This Force and God's Grace accompany you from the beginning of the New Year. The great Star that descends from the Luminous Heights divides into countless smaller Stars in the form of Sparks above you. You carry this Star with you into the New Year. These Stars activate even more those who already have a Star of Light* with them. Not everyone thinks about what can happen during the Festival of the Radiant Star. The Force helps to start the year with God's Grace and Blessing.
You need to activate the Force from God that you received during the Festival of the Radiant Star to start the year with strength and grace.
People who have received God's Strength, Grace and Blessing and who are evolving spiritually will not stand still spiritually. The conviction of the fulfilment of God's Will in their lives becomes natural and normal to them. The Light does not give strength, grace, blessing and all spiritual knowledge for you to keep to yourself. You must feel the need to share them with those who lack them and who need them for their well-being, their spiritual evolution and to get out of spiritual and earthly distress.
You can't accomplish a spiritual mission if you don't have the force you need to do it well. The Force that descends on the Festival of the Radiant Star will help you to strengthen even further what you have received on the other Festivals. You have within you the spark of the Star and the Dove.
The Dove not only helps you in your spiritual evolution, you also need the strength that helps you to understand and live the Word of God. Without God's Strength, you cannot evolve spiritually.
The Dove above you helps you to understand what is important for your spiritual life. You cannot live with the Grace and Blessing of God that you have received without thinking about your spiritual evolution.
You need the Spark of the Dove above you, which is the Force of God. Spiritual evolution is important in everyone's life.
The Force of God that descends on the Festival of the Pure Lily activates you and gives you the strength and courage to carry out God's Will on earth. Women, reflect on this teaching.
Think about the great significance and importance of the Grail Festivals in your life and decide to prepare well for them so that you are ready to receive the Force that descends for you during these Festivals. You also receive God's Grace and Blessing at each Festival. Prepare to receive God's Strength.
Read the Complete Transmission.