Many people who plan ahead when a Festival is approaching, know its significance in their lives and prepare accordingly. Everyone wants to be ready on the day of the Festival to receive the Force poured out from On High that can help them in different areas of life, providing answers and solutions to the various problems in their lives for their well-being and spiritual evolution. Such a preparation consists of working on your life, living a life that helps to purify your thoughts so that you can connect with the Light and open up to the Force of Light in your life.
The Light appreciates this time of preparation for the Festival, for It sees how some people take this time of preparation very seriously by working hard on themselves to purify their thoughts in order to benefit from this beautiful gift of the Force of Light, from which they expect many good things in their lives.
The Light is noticing that even people who have never been in the habit of reading are concentrating on reading during the time of preparation for the Festival, in order to set themselves into the right vibration to be ready on the day of the Festival, to give an opening to the Light and to receive the Force of Light.
Any good preparation for the Grail Festival must begin with work on yourself, at the deepest level of your being, in your thoughts, words and actions, and be reflected in the way you behave in public or in private at every moment of your life. It must bring about an inner and outer change in your life.
But there is a certain category of people who always think they are very clever during the preparations, and who deceive themselves by adopting hypocritical behaviour, forgetting that the Light sees and knows everything, and that nothing escapes It. These people flaunt themselves, want to be seen by everyone and make it seem as if they are preparing for the Festival only by talking about spiritual teachings and the Festival. They concentrate more on the Force they are sure to receive on the day of the Festival, when in fact they are hypocrites, nothing has changed in their lifestyle that would open them up to the Light to receive the Force. These people can even spend hours reading, but their thoughts are always elsewhere, they’re thinking about something else. They think they can impress and deceive the Light and receive the Force.
How can you ignore or forget the Just, Perfect, Incorruptible and Immutable Laws of God which automatically govern everything in Creation, and think that these Laws can be circumvented to give you in return something other than what you deserve and which is the result, the return of your every thought, word and deed?
Joyful work is a good thing for people to think about before a Festival. Joyful work or joyful activity is a blessing. During this period of preparation for the Festival, people should think more about serving God, in order to open themselves to the Light and receive the Force of Light that will help them in their lives.
Work should be a major preoccupation in people’s lives. Think about doing something, about working.
The Story of Marie-Laure and Joséphine
MARIE-LAURE, a Frenchwoman, had learned of the existence of the Grail Message from her friend JOSEPHINE. Marie-Laure read the Message without worrying about the Author, or asking her friend Josephine who owned the Book of the Message she was reading. For Marie-Laure, it was more interesting to read and take note of what was written in this Book, but not to know its Author.
One day, Joséphine asked her friend to think about where they could go on their next holiday. Marie-Laure looked at Joséphine and replied that she wanted to go to Austria, to the Mountain. Joséphine, astonished and pleasantly surprised by her friend’s answer, burst out laughing and said that she too wanted to go to the Mountain, where they could admire and see nature.
Joséphine knew the place, but she didn’t want to tell her friend Marie-Laure.
She took the opportunity to send an application to take part in the Festival of the Holy Dove, which was taking place at the same time.
Her application was sent a little late and did not receive a positive response, as there were already enough people registered for the Festival of the Holy Dove, and she had not followed the application procedure for participation in a Festival on the Mountain, which consists of first contacting the person responsible for the Grail Message in the town where she lived in order to complete certain formalities before going.
They had to wait until the end of the year to go to the Mountain, when the Festival of the Radiant Star was also being celebrated. So they postponed their trip to the Mountain until the end of the year, and decided to use the opportunity to visit the various winter sports in Austria.
This time, Joséphine took all the necessary steps and sent in her application to take part in the Festival on the Mountain on time, as required by the procedure, which was accepted this time.
Marie-Laure thought they were just going on holiday. But Joséphine had a surprise in store for her.
The night before they left, Marie-Laure saw the Mountain in a dream. She had an opening that allowed her to see several wonderful places on the Mountain. She was delighted to see signs of the Cross with equal branches at the place where she and her friend were going. She said nothing to Joséphine about her vision.
When they arrived at the hotel they had booked on the Mountain, Marie-Laure could not hold back her tears at everything she was seeing and feeling. She cried and decided to tell Joséphine about her vision, thanking her for taking her on such a noble and spiritual journey.
Joséphine wasn’t thinking of going anywhere else, but of staying and visiting the Mountain. She couldn’t hide her emotion at Marie-Laure surprise, when she showed her all that she had done so that they could take part in the Festival. Marie-Laure, who couldn’t believe her eyes, let tears stream down her cheeks at the beauty and splendour she had been allowed to experience in this wonderful place.
On the day of the Festival, when they were in the Temple among the other participants, they saw how the Lord enter the Temple. Marie-Laure heard her inner voice telling her that the Lord was the Author of the Grail Message.
She had an opening to the Light, and she received the Force on that Festival Day.
After the Festival, and at the end of their stay, Marie-Laure, overwhelmed by all she had experienced, decided to extend her stay by a few days and work on the Mountain.
She told her friend that she couldn’t experience all the grace she had received from God without doing something in return. She wanted to do something on the Mountain. To do that, she had to make a request like the others who wanted to stay on the Mountain after the Festival. There was always something to do on the Mountain.
She took care of the housework in the various houses and bedrooms.
She returned from the Mountain with great joy and blessing.
From then on, Marie-Laure regularly travelled to the Mountain for the Festivals. She would arrive a few days before a Festival and stay a few days after to work. Her duty was to wash the white dresses worn by the workers during the Festival. She was one of the women in charge of the maintenance at the Temple.
Marie-Laure had a regular job, but she took time off to go and work on the Mountain. For her, it was no ordinary job, but a grace and a blessing to work on the Mountain.
The Light asks that you always try to do something, some work, some activity that is pleasing to God, especially during the period of preparation for the Festival. There are many kinds of work and activities that are pleasing to God that you can do during this time and that can help you to connect and open up to the Light.
As readers of the Grail Message, you know the kind of work and activities that put you at God’s service.
You must be aware and be convinced that what you want to do is joyful work, a joyful activity that is pleasing to God and that will help you to connect, to open yourself to the Light in order to receive the Force of the Light for your well-being and your spiritual evolution.
You do not have to do this work to be seen, to show off or to be appreciated by others.
In the family, in the home, there are things to be done, repaired, to be arranged and organized for the good of all. As part of your preparation for the Festival, you can choose from all these tasks what you can do with joy. You can also take time to read and share the Word with the rest of the family.
Take the time to look for something to do with joy that connects you to the Light, not just in the family, and that you know is pleasing to God. Do not remain concentrated and focused on the Force that will descend and that you can only receive if you are open to the Light, which is only possible thanks to good preparation. Take action by doing something that helps people in the family or elsewhere.
You know how important the Festival is for your life and you are preparing seriously by working hard on yourself to open up to the Light and to be ready on the day of the Festival to receive the Force of Light that will help you throughout your life and not just during the Festival.
So everything doesn’t stop at the end of the Festival, as many people think, and then return to their old ways. You have received the Force of Light to help you in your lives for your well-being, your spiritual evolution, and to put yourselves at the service of the Light by helping people in many ways.
You have received God’s Force at the Festival. This Force can only be useful and help you if you activate it by putting yourself at the service of the Light. You obtained God’s Grace and Blessing. You activate it by doing some work or an activity that helps others in some way, in true love of neighbour, and that is pleasing to God. There is always so much work and activity of this kind that you can’t miss it. God’s servants on mission also need the Force of Light to help them do their Light work well.
Don’t put away or abandon the books and writings you have taken the time to read in preparation for the Festival. Don’t stop. Always look for something to do, as during the preparations for the Festival, for it is necessary for your own good, and there is always something to do.
It's important, and it’s not easy, to work on yourself, to put your life in order so that you can open up spiritually and receive God's Force. To do this, you need to see and know what you need to do in your life to remain at God’s service. You must not only think about helping others or servants to be pleasing to God, but you must also think of doing this important work on yourself.
You must not wait for the Festival to prepare, but continue the work after the Festival, for the rest of your life.
Marie-Laure was a servant of the Light on a mission on Earth. She knew nothing of the Grail Message, which she learned about through her friend Joséphine.
Marie-Laure was so convinced of the Grail Message that she decided to go to the Mountain, and once there, with all that she had experienced and felt so strongly and so wonderfully, she decided to prolong her stay on the Mountain, to remain in this environment of light which would help her to open up spiritually and to receive the Force of the Light and to obtain God's Grace and Blessing. For this, she had to find something to do on the Mountain, a job or an activity.
She had a strong belief in the teachings of the Grail Message, a strong will and determination to change her life, worked hard on herself, which is difficult for many people, and managed to completely change her lifestyle to become more spiritual. She evolved a lot spiritually and reached a high spiritual level during this period.
Marie-Laure had prostituted herself in her youth to earn a living, because her parents were poor.
In the Beyond, there is Light everywhere and at all times. This Light makes people feel driven, motivated to do something – a job, an activity – because there is always something to do that is pleasing to God. NOBODY in the Beyond stands still and does nothing. God’s Will is that every human being should set himself in motion by doing some work or activity that puts him at the service of the Light. There is no compulsion. It’s natural and goes without saying.
Spiritual upliftment is what people in the Beyond seek through their service to the Light. There is no salary that people expect for the work they do in the Beyond; it is spiritual upliftment that is important.
Working, always trying to do something good that is pleasing to God, is spiritually uplifting. That’s why everyone in the Beyond is always looking for and finding something to do to lift themselves up spiritually.
There are servants in the temples in the Beyond who pray for people on Earth, that is their mission and their work of Light.
You have just experienced the Festival of the Radiant Star, for which you had prepared yourselves well to give an opening to the Light in order to receive the Force of Light that will help you in your life and for your spiritual evolution and well-being.
Take action, seek to do something, an activity, a job in your life that is pleasing to God. By taking action, by doing a job, you are also activating the Force you received at the Festival, which only you and not anyone else can activate, so that it can help you in your life.
Don’t count on or expect the servants on mission to do anything for you. It is up to each of you to activate your own force by practising the spiritual teachings that you possess. Salvation is individual.
Many people are spiritually asleep, they try to stay awake just for the Festival, and at the end of the Festival they fall asleep again.
You know that you have already been in the Judgement for a long time, and that the difficulties will only increase with each passing year in the world, of which you will experience very serious periods of turbulence and disruption.
The greatest work you have to do is on yourself in your life to attract the Force of Light, which alone can help you to live in accordance with the Laws of God, to untie your many ties for your earthly well-being and your spiritual evolution. This Force alone will protect you during the dark times and distress that are already upon you and that will only worsen.
Humans, servants who have knowledge of the Holy Word, of spiritual teachings, rise up and put yourselves at the service of helping others to understand the Word of God.
There are among you true servants who have received from God the Grace of the Force to heal the sick, and others who know their spiritual level well, but all of them have doubts and are reluctant to do anything to help people, to work to help them.
This is the work that the Light asks you to do spiritually, but that you do not do it for personal reasons, and when the time comes for the Festival, you want to have the Force of God, the same God Who sent you on the mission you know, but you do not do.
You have reservations when it comes to helping people who need the help you can give them.
There is much work to be done for the Light, but few people, few servants, are at the service of the Light. When you are at the service of the Light, when you do the work of the Light, you attract to yourself a good vibration and the Force that will help you in many things in your life…