God's Will is working ever more strongly in the lives of many people. Servants are becoming more and more aware of what they can do to help people understand spiritual teachings for their spiritual evolution, well-being and the salvation of their souls.
As a matter of fact, God gives man the grace to incarnate on Earth to evolve spiritually by leading a life in accordance with His Will, which is the set of His Laws that govern the whole of Creation, and which is Immeasurable Love, Perfect and Incorruptible Justice.
GOD has sent servants on a mission of Light all over the world to help people in their spiritual evolution. No human being can say that they have not heard, received, read spiritual teachings or even met servants on a mission of Light who speak, preach and teach people the importance of knowing, understanding and practicing spiritual teachings in order to find answers and solutions to the many problems of life for their well-being and spiritual evolution.
The practical application of these spiritual teachings and knowledge leads to changes in the way of life of the person who has understood and put them into practice.
Lessons about morality, well-being, the right way to live in society, the true values of life and life itself find their true explanation and meaning in spiritual teachings. These lessons are given in different ways so that people can understand them and know how to put them into practice in society, for a better human society and a better world where true love of neighbour, in its true sense, reigns.
We notice that as each Festival approaches, readers always ask if there are any new messages from the Light before the Festival, and after the Festival. It is good to do this, but let it not become a habit motivated by curiosity to know what is said about what will happen before the Festival and what has happened during the Festival, without being interested in understanding the teachings given in these messages, which will help you to prepare well for the Festival, which you know so well is of great spiritual value for your life. Every message that comes from the Light carries teachings that have to do with your life and it is in your interest to understand them and bring them to life in order to connect and open yourself to the Light.
As you connect and open yourself to the Light, you attract the Force of the Light to act in your life, to change your life for the better and to help you to evolve spiritually.
But instead of making the effort to understand the teachings contained within these messages of Light, you want to have messages that impress with sensational revelations and other things that describe and talk about things that have nothing to do with your reality or with what is important for you now, nor contribute to changing your life for the better, for your well-being and your spiritual evolution.
For this reason, many people underestimate, neglect and even reject any message that contains teachings that encourage them to change their way of life.
It’s a fact that the Light does not act in the same way at every Grail Festival, and that something always happens before, during and after a Grail Festival.
Before each Grail Festival, the Light can send people messages, which can also be warnings, to help people prepare for the coming Festival.
These messages from the Light are transmitted to you in different ways, but people don’t always manage to make the effort to discern and reflect seriously enough to understand these messages from God in relation to the Grail Festivals, which are sent to you through all the small and large events that happen in your life and around you. Serious reflection will enable you to understand the meaning of certain things that you experience, that you feel in your intuition, that you see in your dreams or visions. These are messages from the Light to help you know what you need to do in your life to prepare yourself well and be ready to open up to the Light on the day of the Festival to receive what God has planned for you in your life to help you evolve spiritually and for your well-being.
The Light sees and knows the human spiritual level, and everything that is preventing you from evolving spiritually, from having a good life, and that you are ignoring. These messages can be information, or even warnings sent in different ways in your life to inform you, to warn you of certain things so that you are well prepared for the Festival.
So many people lead such distracted lives that they don’t hear their inner voice, their intuition, when it speaks to them. These people don’t even give themselves time to think about anything serious outside of their usual occupations, their comforts, and which could be very important messages for their lives. They don’t have enough time to rest and think about other things, they forget themselves, while there are messages that the Light has tried several times to get through to them, but they were busy and distracted. When they do rest, it’s in distractions, games and other pastimes.
You are well aware of the importance of each Grail Festival for you, for your life, for your existence, and that you must prepare for it with the utmost seriousness by working on yourself, on your way of life, on your faults, your weaknesses and your negligence. For this, you have at your disposal the help of the teachings of the Light on what you must do in your life to open yourself up to the Force of the Light that will act within you and help you to fight in your life to overcome your faults. You will evolve spiritually and your life will change for the better.
The work on yourself during the period of preparation for the Festival must be done seriously and take the form of changes in your habits, in your lifestyle, with a more meditative and calmer attitude to encourage the attraction of a good vibration around you wherever you are on the day of the Festival. You open yourself to the Light and you can receive the same Force as those who gather in temples or meditation halls, and even receive what the Light has planned for you specifically on this Festival.
The same applies to the messages of Light that are sent to human beings, whether they are aware of this Festival or not, as this great event, the Festival of the Grail, approaches. The Light sends messages to people who can receive them, understand them and pass them on to others. It also sends them to people for whom the Light will act in one way or another in their lives during the Festival, so that they can prepare themselves accordingly and be ready to receive what the Light has planned for them during the Festival.
The Force that descends from on High during the Festival is not just for those who gather in Temples and Halls of Worship. It is above everyone, for all humanity. Wherever you are, your inner attitude, your openness or otherwise to the Light, is the determining and most important factor in whether or not you can attract the Force within you. It is this Force that is the bearer of what the Light has planned for those who have been chosen by the Light to benefit from an act of the Light during this Festival.
Purity of thought and a meditative attitude attract a positive vibration around you and encourage openness to the Light.
Make sure that wherever you are on the day of the Festival, you stay connected to the Light, stay in this attitude of meditation to maintain a positive vibration around you at all times.
Places such as Temples and Halls of Worship can have a positive influence on the people who come there to pray, because everyone is there for one purpose, and thoughts can be focused on one thing – the celebration of the Festival – fostering an atmosphere that can attract positive vibrations.
But in other places, you must try not to let yourself be distracted or lost in inappropriate thoughts by what you see or hear around you. Remain aware of the great event that is happening above you, of its importance to you, by staying connected to the Light in your thoughts to receive the Force that you know is important for you, your well-being and your spiritual evolution.
There are certain places that the Light chooses for people to gather to receive the Force. But these are exceptional cases for the servants of the Light.
Some people feel a certain nervousness during the Festival, the origin and cause of which they do not understand. It may be a warning from the Light about something in the person’s life. People need to be aware of what is happening around them. Other people feel a kind of anguish, with tears flowing without them really crying. This is nostalgia for what will happen at the Festival. Some people have dreams on the night of the Festival. They dream that they are in the Beyond, in a very bright place, where something has happened that they don’t even know about. The Light is active in some people’s lives, both on the night and on the day of the Festival. Listen to your inner voice. Pay attention to what’s happening in your life.
The Radiant Star carries a special force and mission for the Festival. It leaves its origin at a given moment for humanity, where it must accomplish its mission. It remains at the point where its rays reach humanity and can act upon humanity in the fulfilment of its mission, for the duration of the Festival, which lasts from the day before the Festival: the Fore-Festival, the Festival, to the day after the Festival: the Post-Festival, and then resumes its journey towards its Origin.
The deeds and other actions planned by the Light during the Festival, for certain people and other things, will be carried out during this period of the Festival, at the end of which the Star will return to its Origin after completing its mission.
During the period of the Festival, the Star continues to send its rays into humanity, above all humans. The Light continues Its mission, It continues to act even after the Hour of Contemplation, on the day of the Festival, until the last day of the Festival, when the Star will gradually begin to return to its Source.
You must remain in a state of meditation throughout the period of the Festival to remain connected and open to the Light. The Light must find you ready to receive the Force of the Light that will work within you and help you in your life, or to receive what It has planned for you during the Festival, you for whom the Light has planned a particular act, that you can ignore, in your life during this Festival.
So do not think that once the Hour of Contemplation and the day after the Festival have passed, it is all over, the Star has returned, and you relax, you let yourself be distracted, you go back to your old habits, which you found so hard to break during the preparations for the Festival.
Take the time to read, reread and deepen the spiritual teachings you have been given. In this case, the teachings relating to the preparation of the Grail Festival. We emphasize on the importance of reading, re-reading and sharing the spiritual teachings for a better understanding. You will gain a great deal of knowledge that will help you to understand the help that the Light is giving you to help you prepare for the Festival. Some people find it difficult with the problems that surround them, but know that the Light gives people time and these teachings should help you to prepare well for the Festival, whatever your situation.
Preparing for the end-of-year festivities has nothing to do with the Grail Festival, which is a very important Spiritual Festival for every human being who can receive God’s Force to help them in their lives.
The 29th December is a special Day of Light and a very important day for humanity, a day when people who open themselves to the Light can receive God’s Strength and Blessing to help them with the various problems in their lives.
Preparing for the Festival of the Radiant Star, a Spiritual Festival, means working on yourself, in your life, to connect and open up to the Light so that you can receive the Force of the Light that God sends on the day of the Festival to help you in your life for your well-being, your spiritual evolution, the salvation of your soul and a better world.
If you are still waiting to prepare yourself, and if it’s not too late for you, don’t waste your time, get to work by reading this message from the Light. This is spiritual work of fundamental inner change, not intellectual work. Don’t think that doing something good the day before or the day of the Festival will be enough to open you up to the Light.
The rigour and perfection of God’s Laws cannot be circumvented by thinking of the possibility of benefiting from what you do not deserve. Man reaps what he sows, and let it be done according to your faith. This is the case with the hypocrites who receive nothing from the Light during the Festival.
They know the teachings well, but they do not act upon them to open themselves up to the Light and be ready on the day of the Festival.
Preparation for the Festival must be made and carried out in meditation and concentration. It’s more inner.
So don’t confuse the preparations for the Grail Festival with other end-of-year festivities – you’ll get lost. Concentrate on what’s important in your life. It is God’s Force that is most important in your life and in your existence. Your spirit needs God’s Strength. It is God’s Force that keeps you alive.
The 29th December is a special day for the Light. People can receive within themselves the Force and Blessing of God Who is above them.
Open yourself to the Force of Light! You don’t know what the Light has planned and prepared for you during this celebration.
Christmas should be celebrated in meditation. Teach the children something good, to think about praying at Christmas. Make sure the children know and welcome Jesus into their lives. You are leading them along a good path, the path of LIGHT and TRUTH.