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Some Unknown Stories from the Life of JESUS on Earth

Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Life and the Truth”, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. But Jesus' Mission on Earth to save humanity has been misunderstood.
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Account of an unknown fact in the life of Jesus

December 22, 2023
During His Mission on earth, Jesus did many things that are not yet known to this day. What you know about Jesus' life, activities and actions during His Mission on earth is not all that HE did that has been told or reported to you to this day.. Continue reading…

Some Unknown Facts Of the Life Of Jesus

– Transmitted December 22, 2021
That the Light is Love, It always wants to come to your aid in many different ways, you human beings, to bring you to know and recognize the Truth so that you may lead a way of life in conformity with the Truth for your good, your spiritual evolution. To do this, the Light will reveal to you certain truths that are not known in what the SON OF GOD JESUS had done in His Mission on earth. Continue reading…