By The Lord (transmitted August 2021)
"I had gone to a party in Austria, one Summer. I was not feeling well, but I was not thinking of going to this party to please the people who were there, I was thinking of My work and My Mission, as a servant of the Light. I did not consider the people who were going to come to this party, nor My health, but saw more what good I could do in bringing these teachings to the people who were going to come to this party. I was informed of the probable presence of some prominent people at this party.

When I was about to leave My house, I felt a tiredness that grew ever increasingly, but I told Myself that I have the Light which will accompany Me to this party and I would not stay at home. The Helpers and My Guides were together with Me, which gave Me much more courage to do My Mission as I wanted and especially to help people.

I wanted to take a few steps, but I could not, I had a strong heartbeats all the time, but I still did not want to stay home, I kept moving towards My car to get to this party.

Whenever I was in a state where I did not feel well, I did not say anything to anyone but left everything to the Light to do Its work at the time when I am on Mission, at My work. I did not try to act, I knew that I was accompanied by the Light, and I serve the Light that sent me on mission. I did not see how this same Light could leave Me at the moment I am on mission. The Light that accompanied Me, surrounded Me, was together with Me and did Its work because I was serving the Light.

I had the conviction in God who sent Me for this mission, which was My only concern and My work with human beings. I was informed of those people who were going to come to the party, I could do My work of giving teachings that could help people’s evolution, so how could illness prevent Me from doing this work of the Light that I wanted to do, which is within the context of the Mission, and which It sent Me to accomplish on Earth.

I had the Force of the Light in Me, and this assurance that it was the Light that sent Me on Mission, so the Light was in Me, and It would do Its work to protect Me from this disease that bothered Me so that I could not go and do My work, My Mission. It was My conviction in the Light that gave Me even more courage and determination to find Myself in that place where there were people I was to help.

I walked slowly out of the house to My car that I would drive to the party.

Arriving at this party, I saw that several people were waiting for Me. We greeted each other and started to talk. I did not take into account what the party was, what mattered most to Me and what I saw was the work I had come to do at that place where people were gathering.

The exchanges were more based on what was happening at the time, the current events, but I was not focused on politics. I took the opportunity to talk about other things, about the spiritual. People who knew Me, they were aware that I was not going to get into what they were saying about politics, and that what interested Me a lot was the spiritual.

I took advantage, with the presence of people, to do what I wanted to do, what people needed to know and that was to help them in their lives. I did not go directly to the forefront in showing Myself and being seen in what I wanted to do. I made Myself discreet by blending myself in with the background of this party while giving teachings.

I met parents with the children at this party. I spoke with the children about their studies, how to live with their parents, the behaviour of children in general. Many children began to come to Me and they asked Me questions that I answered, taking into account the age of each child. I did not give them this knowledge that was not at their level of understanding. I would put Myself at the age of each of these children who came with their questions.

I liked babies under a year old, but I did not carry them because of the reaction of some babies who might draw the attention of adults to Me. I avoided the glances of the adults who looked at Me while whispering. I wanted to keep My discretion, that is why I avoided all attention on Me. I spoke with the children, who understood things simply and easily. I touched all the children by the Hand, while sending them the Force of the Light to accompany them in their spiritual evolution. I did not worry about anything when I was on mission on Earth. I did not see or think about what could happen to Me, but only about what I had to do.

I said of that illness that it concerned only the body, since I was living on Earth with all its inherent realities and demands of earth-life, including changes in climate, the bad weather, and many other factors that influence the state of the body.

I also had a physical body, I could not escape these challenges, but knew how to face them and to face them with joy. I accepted what happened to Me with joy. I knew that the Helpers, the Essentials, the Guides were with Me, but I often paid no attention to them when I had something to do for My Mission on Earth.

When servants focus on their mission, respect the Will of God by following what the Light asks them to do, the darkness along with its agents may attempt to do to them what they had been planning to do wrong, but let them be convinced that they will not succeed.

Servants have teachings that clearly explain to them what the Light Force is but, they often lack the conviction in the Almighty Power of that Force of Light, when they find themselves in a dangerous situation.

You may find yourself in any dangerous situation, but when you have the conviction and faith in the Light that sends you on this mission that you are doing to help people, you can fear nothing as you are accompanied by the Force of Light.

I was on a mission and I had the Force of Light around Me, but the darkness would not let Me carry out My mission quietly. As long as you live on Earth and have the Force within you, know that the darkness will never let you quietly do your mission of helping people in their evolution. But there will be a time when the darkness and its agents can do nothing, for they will feel the increase of the Force in you that will make them very afraid, and they will flee.

If only people could understand, realize and truly take into account in their lives, the profound meaning of the phrase, "We have our Lord", "I have My Lord", a sentence of a High scope and so far-reaching that It can operate many things in any situation in your life, some of which could pass for miracles. Unfortunately, human beings have no idea what happens when they say the word: "MY LORD".

It is a prayer to say only: "Lord, Lord". I appreciate those people who fight by saying "In the Name of Imanuel". These people do not see that Light that illuminates the moment of the phrase "In the Name of Imanuel" is uttered. The strength of the Light that people seek to have in their lives is found in that name "Imanuel", which people should make use of regularly in times of need in their lives.

When people are faced with any situation that frightens them, they forget what can help them, they whine, they panic, these attitudes that do aggravate further their already bad situation, from which the person wants to get away.

I did not whine when I felt faint or dizzy in the middle of a lecture. But I stood in front of people seeing Me covered with Light around Me and it gave Me courage to stand up from the beginning to the end of My lecture.
I also gave teachings to the servants at the Mountain, but how many of them had taken these councils into serious consideration.

Whenever these servants found themselves in a situation they could not solve, they turned to Me to ask Me to tell them what they could do. Some servants would ask Me to go and see the situation they were in, but instead of going, I would send help to solve the problem they wanted My Presence.

At this time that I send the servants on mission on Earth to defend the cause of the Grail on Earth, I Myself am in thoughts with ALL the servants who are doing their mission and who are thinking of defending this noble cause of the Grail Message. These servants who I have sent on mission on Earth must not think they are alone in their mission. I accompany every servant who thinks of doing and who does the noble mission of defending the cause of the Grail on Earth.

In My teachings is explained how a servant must behave, lead ones life to have the Force, the Light within oneself. But how many find and consider these teachings as the KEY that is useful for them to do their mission well. I am not talking about those people, those servants who do not do their mission, those who are hypocrites and who only talk about the teachings without thinking of doing anything for the mission they came to do on Earth.

A servant must not have one foot out of the Word and the other in It, it is the hypocrites who do this, but not a true servant of the Light who only thinks of respecting the spiritual teachings. You must not mix spiritual teachings and the doctrine of evil, it cannot work or be together in this work you do or in your mission.

The doctrine of evil often teaches what is contrary to and in contradiction with spiritual teachings. And how can we understand that a servant on a spiritual mission can think of using this doctrine in his work, in his mission.

Evil cannot have a hold on servants, and not be above those servants who think of their mission and who are aware of the Nobility of that mission, of the protection, and of the Love of God with which I accompany you to help you.

I do not present Myself to you because you must do your mission without being proud and speaking only of what you have seen and heard from Me. I am in discretion with you. This you must already know from the teachings you possess. Do what the Light asks you to do and that is your work which connects you to the Light and at the same time ensures your protection.

Other people need to make efforts to have protection with them, but the servants have their natural protection and on top of that they are protected by the Light work they do.

The moment a servant thinks of doing his work, it is like a bell ringing for help to come to him, to cover him in whatever he thinks of doing. At the same time, the servant has the protection that a servant on mission can have. How many people who are in churches and who are looking for protection for their family, and for that they will give themselves to people who are not even servants, but people who have interests in founding churches.

I travelled often, and if it happened to ME that a Sunday falls when I am traveling, I went to the Church.

I saw those churches of that time, and I knew what was going on with the servants in those churches. I would put My feet in Catholic churches that I knew to worship, taking care not to disturb the priest in the church who could feel My Force. I wanted to remain discreet and leave calmly.

It was in Germany in a small village where I had gone one Sunday to a Catholic church. There were not many congregants who came to worship in this church, and all those who came for Sunday services knew each other well.

When I entered this church, all looked at Me and I greeted them with a smile in the quietness of the church. I walked until I found a free place where I sat.

The priest entered, and he began his service looking at everyone and when he saw Me he looked at Me, I looked at him too and I saw how his face changed expression which showed that he was uncomfortable.

He made an effort to continue conducting his service, even though his voice was no longer as clear until he sat down.

He called for a brother servant and spoke in his ear. The servant went first to fetch him water and a glass, and then he went out the back door. The service continued, and I saw the brother servant come and tell Me in my ear that the priest was asking Me to leave the church. I looked the priest in the face and smiled a little.

Before leaving the church, I took out an envelope that I had already planned for My offering to this Sunday service which I handed to this serving brother and I left this Catholic church. Everybody was looking at Me when I went out of that church.

I went for a walk because I did not understand the reaction of this priest who as such should have love of neighbour, but he was choosing the people who should be in church.

I knew that the church was a place for people to gather and worship God, but how could the priest choose those who could come to the service, and refuse to allow others to participate by driving them away in the middle of the service.

I was not angry, but I wanted to know more about the reaction of this priest, and it was then that My Guide would tell me that he was an occultist who had felt a force in the church that prevented him from doing the Sunday service properly.

My offering, the money I had put in the envelope, was a large sum to help with some of the work in that church.

The Helpers would tell Me long after that when this priest had opened the envelope and when he had seen and counted the money, he saw that it was the sum of money they needed for the works of renovation of the church, he let himself fall on his knees, and he cried profusely. He wanted to thank Me for My gesture, but I had left the hostel very early in the morning. I did not want to have contact with this priest only because of the money. The teachings I wanted to give him, he was going to accept them only so that I would give him My money, whereas it was not a good way to help a priest who has the responsibility in a church. I had preferred to leave and let him think of My gesture while he had chased Me away from his church. I have had My experience with this priest.

I was not in the habit of giving My offering to people in an open way. I put the sum I planned to give for My offering in an envelope that I gave in discretion to the person concerned. I thought of the curiosity of other people, I who wanted to do everything in discretion."
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