Request for the Light's Intervention

Prayer is a luminous spiritual weapon that you have and that you can use at any time to help. But often you underestimate yourself and ignore the weapon of prayer…. Miracles and Teachings – Abdruschin Himself Speaks, Narrative 83.

My heart seems to have contracted and made my eyes water. This is a grace from on high! I borrowed a card and had a hard time getting it right until finally I got it, but then the balance was insufficient! For two days I have been waiting for a payment, which has still not arrived. Now, when I have the amount in hand, I will make a heartfelt donation, because I have already been blessed with a prayer request and now this gift!
J. R.
Je tiens à remercier vivement à l'activité des aides pour leur imprégnation sur mon dossier d'embauche au sein de la [XXXXX] où je viens finalement d'être engagé comme conseiller juridique.

I would like to thank very much to the activity of the helpers for their permeation on my employment file at [xxxxxx] where I have finally been hired as a legal advisor.

D. D.
Eternal Father I am grateful for the court judgement in our favour. It can only be by Thy Benevolence.
U. U.
Thank you for healing my child s myopia and completely restoring his sight. I also commit my mental health into your hands, I pray for joy and peace over my life and I thank you for flowing your healing light over all my body and healing every part of me that needs healing. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen M. P..
Thank you for healing my brother of his stage 4 pancreatic cancer. May your light flow over him and restore him. May this healing draw him closer in awarness and in worship of who you are, the eternal Father, God and Light. Amen M. P.

“Prayer has power. Prayer is addressed to GOD. The LIGHT is God”. – Master John

By addressing the LIGHT, says Master John, you also dedicate your prayer to God. Given the SUBLIMITY of GOD and the fact that His name is not to be spoken at all times, people should address their prayer to the LIGHT which is GOD. GOD is the Creator.

In the Beyond, as told by the Master Teacher John, there is a large Temple in which the servants Barnabé and Francis work jointly. Barnabé receives and manages the offerings while Francis is in charge of the letters of request in which people explain and describe the problem for which they are asking the Light for help.

These two servants complement each other in their work according to the determinations of the Will of God for the one who wants the Force of Light to act in his or her life.

When people send their requests, Francis receives them and goes to act according to what is asked of him in his work. After reading the contents of these requests, Francis sends the request to a Temple located at the first step of the Throne of God. In this Temple, there are many servants waiting to help the human beings on Earth. They pray for the people who have made their prayer request to the Light.

How Request For Light Intervention Works

Spiritual Helpers in the Beyond require information from the person requesting the prayer in order to be able to take direct action without delay. They receive prayer these requests through a Channel who, from her willingness to fulfil her mission, has been chosen, and prepared for this task.

When it comes to providing help for a sick person, for example, the Helpers need to receive the person’s request describing the illness and what he or she expects from the Light. The same goes for all concerns and those problems that block your progress in life or torment you.

As soon as a request is being read by the Channel, a Helper is aware of it. It is not the Channel but the Helpers who read your request along with the Channel. In writing via the Channel, it is while the Channel is reading that the Helpers read also in the thoughts of the Channel.

Where it has to do with, say an illness, the Helpers need to receive a request from you describing your illness, and what you want from the Light in this particular problem. The help from the Light starts directly upon the receipt and the Channel reading the request along with a Helper, which automatically triggers the action of the Light in you – though you will not know when the Light is intervening in you for the healing of our illness, or the solution to your problem.

All Requests Are Considered Urgent to the Light

All requests for Light intervention are considered urgent to the Light, therefore It does not wait to act. The Channel does not wait to pass the message to the Helpers who will be working on your request, together with the Nurses of the Beyond and the Essential Beings.

You may send a request for:
healing (physical, mental, or emotional)
help from a bad experience that you have had and know about in your life and for which you can find no explanation
help to overcome something that is blocking you and disturbing your life, tormenting you and constituting a block in your life, depriving you of all joy of living

You may also request Light intervention for someone in need.

N.B: The Helpers do not answer prayer requests, but act in discretion. They will not warn or notify you in writing of their intervention to help you with your problem, nor will they tell you that they have prayed for you and that the Light has done this or that for you.

The Light does Its work, in Its own time and according to It.

Healing can be more or less rapid, depending on many factors that only the Light knows, but what is important and determining for you is openness to the Light. The Light can also act by an act of miracle according to its appreciation of the case.

  1. Spiritual Helpers were once like us on Earth and who, after their return to the Beyond, were chosen, trained, and prepared to help us in different ways, either discreetly by intervening in our lives in problem areas, or by communicating with us through the Channel, who is a person living on Earth and whom the Light has found worthy of doing this mission of allowing them to exchange with us. The Lord, in the Grail Message, speaks of these Helpers, that He will send them to help us human beings, not only to further expand on His Teachings, but also with those problems, those phenomena that torment us in life and in life in general and for which we have no solution or satisfactory explanation. They send Light Force to the weary and to the sick who receive strength and healing by the Power of the Light.
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