My heart seems to have contracted and made my eyes water. This is a grace from on high! I borrowed a card and had a hard time getting it right until finally I got it, but then the balance was insufficient! For two days I have been waiting for a payment, which has still not arrived. Now, when I have the amount in hand, I will make a heartfelt donation, because I have already been blessed with a prayer request and now this gift!
J. R.
Je tiens à remercier vivement à l'activité des aides pour leur imprégnation sur mon dossier d'embauche au sein de la [XXXXX] où je viens finalement d'être engagé comme conseiller juridique.
I would like to thank very much to the activity of the helpers for their permeation on my employment file at [xxxxxx] where I have finally been hired as a legal advisor.
D. D.
Eternal Father I am grateful for the court judgement in our favour. It can only be by Thy Benevolence.
U. U.
Thank you for healing my child s myopia and completely restoring his sight. I also commit my mental health into your hands, I pray for joy and peace over my life and I thank you for flowing your healing light over all my body and healing every part of me that needs healing. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen
M. P..
Thank you for healing my brother of his stage 4 pancreatic cancer. May your light flow over him and restore him. May this healing draw him closer in awarness and in worship of who you are, the eternal Father, God and Light. Amen
M. P.