On the Anniversary of the Lord’s Birth – 2024

From Master John

The Light works in the lives of those who open themselves spiritually to the omnipresent Force of God flowing through Creation. The Lord ABDRUSCHIN came to earth with a mission to help human beings with spiritual teachings and guidance. He was sent by God as the Envoy of Light on earth. He was born naturally into an ordinary family.
Everything connected with the Lord's birth on earth had a meaning. Everything had been meticulously and carefully prepared by the Light, which had also at length prepared the Lord's mother, Theresa, to welcome the Lord through her Bridge of Light. The Lord's earthly body was formed by the Essential Beings who were prepared for it. It was not a preparation comparable to that of a human baby. It was different for the Lord.
Thérèse, the Lord's mother, had already had children before the Lord was born. She already knew what pregnancy was like. But with the coming of the Lord, she felt something different, above all joy. She had really enjoyed this period of pregnancy, because the Lord's father travelled a lot and could be away from home for two months. And when he came back, he didn't stay for long and left for a long time, which allowed Theresa to stay calm with her children.
The Lord's father often went out drinking with his friends, and when he came home he would make a lot of noise until he fell asleep. These noises were often accusations and threats, especially to the Lord's mother. This happened every time he came home after drinking with his friends. He would make the others react so that there would be a conflict. He would only stopped talking when he was tired and fell asleep.
As Theresa waited for the Lord to come, she was happy to stay quietly in her house for months. She had a good vibration around her. The Light worked in her when she was alone, especially at night, when she slept quietly and alone. The other adult children wondered how Theresa didn't complain about her husband's absence, when she wanted and enjoyed peace and quiet during this time of her pregnancy. Everything had been planned by the Light so that Theresa would be at peace during this time.
The Lord's father had returned home sick from a long journey. He didn't go out much, he took care of himself, he couldn't drink because he was on medication.
He was forced to stay at home, and it was during that time, when it was quiet and there was a good atmosphere, that the Lord was born. There was none of the noise that His father made in the house.
This good atmosphere meant that Theresa continued to have a good vibration around her and the child who had just been born, the Lord. Everything had been prepared by the Light for this to happen before and after the birth of the Lord.
The SONS OF GOD, JESUS AND ABDRUSCHIN, underwent a completely different incarnation process on earth. Mary and Thérèse did not give breast milk to their children. Mary had a problem with breastfeeding after giving birth. Her milk wouldn't come out. The midwives tried everything, but in the end they took cow's milk and gave it to Jesus.
Thérèse had already given her milk to other children. When she had ALVIN, the Lord's brother, she had an infection that caused her health problems.
That's why the midwife advised her not to give Lord her milk, because it could cause the child certain problems and illnesses. Lord was born weak and had been in poor health since childhood.  The midwife, who was a servant of the Light on a mission to help Theresa at the time of the Lord's coming, communicated with the Helpers of the Light who gave her instructions to follow for the Lord's birth. The Lord had taken cow's milk when He was born.
The Light had planned everything for the two (2) Sons of God. But there were certain things, such as the rule of modesty, that they had to respect in their incarnation and their journey on earth. As such, the Sons of God did not follow everything that human beings born of a mother on earth follow in their incarnation process on earth. The Sons of God were not suckled by their earth mother. They did not take their mother's milk at birth. It was in the Will of the Light that Purity was preserved for the Sons of God, Jesus and Abdruschin.
Theresa always said that OSCAR ERNST was the quietest child she ever had, compared to the other children who preceded him. The Lord was the one who helped His mother the most with household chores, compared to the other boys in the family. He always felt sorry for his mother when she spent hours in the kitchen. His father told him to let his mother do the housework, and that He should come into the living room and wait for the meal to be ready and served to Him, that men weren't made to cook, which is a woman's work. Despite what His father said, the Lord was often in the kitchen next to His mother when she cooked.
The Lord knew the importance of women from His childhood. He preferred to sit next to his older sister in the armchair, and did not often have the company of his brothers. He would accompany His mother to the market to buy things for the home. His older sister and His mother would send Him to the local shops to buy things that were needed at home.
He loved doing things for His big sister and His mother, whereas the other children refused to go out. Especially when it was very cold and something was missing in the house, He didn't hesitate to go to the shops to buy what was missing. He loved to make His mother happy. 
The Lord had written His Grail Message based on His own experiences. He didn't want to talk about Himself, because He first wanted to give the teachings of the Grail Message to human beings, so that they would read them, understand them and act on these teachings and advice for their spiritual evolution and their earthly well-being.
Everyone's spiritual evolution is important. These teachings and experiences can help people to evolve spiritually, but they must not be a mere curiosity about the life He led on earth.
He avoided revealing Himself directly to human beings by telling them that He was the Son of Man. This is for the good reason that ultimately salvation is not in the Person, but in the understanding and application of His teachings.
The Lord said of Himself that He was a Servant of Light on a Mission on earth to help human beings.
The Lord also avoided saying that He was the "SON OF MAN", because He knew the power of these words and the very great Force that would be released when they were spoken. He was therefore content to present Himself as a Servant in the service of the Light.
It was a way of making everyone understand who HE was by behaving differently from human beings. People could understand Him more easily than by saying directly who HE really was, the Son of Man.
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We think that everyone should consider making an offering to the three (3) Grail Festivals…. We, in the Beyond, also make a gesture of offering to the Light that is different from yours on Earth.

Master John

Master John stated that we are in matter and there are many ways in which you can act as an offering to give to the Light.

The Essential Beings built a large Bridge … to place on which are placed the envelopes containing the request of each person with their name on the envelope. All the offerings, the compensations of the people who thought about the work of the Light, they are placed on this table.

The Bridge of Light which is at this point, causes the Light that descends to touch the names as well as the offerings, the donations of the people which are placed in a box on the table.

There are servants in the Beyond who work to pass on the messages and the names of people who have thought to contribute to the work of the Light or the names of those who have given their offering.

The Light blesses everyone whose name is placed on the table.

Through your offerings, many people, even Called Ones, and often times entire families that cannot put food on their tables who are victims of blockages, bewitchments, and attacks of darkness are being helped. Many people are unaware of this and suffer in their lives without knowing the origin of their suffering.

Through this Light mission, such people when they turn to the Light for help, the Spiritual Helpers in the Beyond are able to help them to know what is happening to them and in their lives to find a solution that gives them joy in life.

Learn more about “The Gesture of An Offering”.
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